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Online Course - Breathing Techniques for Labour

  • 16 Steps


Using breathing techniques has helped so many woman achieve the calm, in control, positive labour they desired. This course is designed to help any women with fear of birth achieve a positive birth. Fear of birth is unfortunately now a very common occurrence . Fear of pain, fear of not coping, fear of tearing, fear of forceps or cesarean birth. But even if you are completely anxious or afraid of birth at the minute, learning how to use the breath in labour can help you achieve your positive & empowered birth. In this course you will learn > simple breathing techniques to keep you calm and focused during your labour. > how breathing can help you manage your surges & relieve pain > the importance of breathing during the second (pushing) stage of labour > how holding your breath can impact outcomes for you and your baby > how to gently breathe your baby into the world to minimise tearing > how breathing can reduce your risk of forceps and cesarean birth This is an on demand course so you can learn at your own time and your own pace. The course is divided into short (5 - 10) minute videos so can learn even when you have a short amount of time. You will have lifetime access to the course and any future updates.



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